The results are in!: Congratulations to Hershley, Kae and Dyane Vang for winning the *WIN Longer Lashes* Lashem Giveaway! Thank you to all for participating and stay tuned for the next Farmgirl Giveaway.

I’ve been using Lashem religiously for the past month and it’s the only lash treatment that has strengthened my existing lashes while encouraging the growth of my baby lashes, without the itchiness and irritation I often experience with other lash treatments. It does all this without the use of prostaglandin and parabens, which is a huge plus in my book. I want you to experience exactly what I’m talking about so Lashem has offered to give away Lashem™ Measurable Difference Lash Gel to [3] of my blog followers!
How to enter:
- This Giveaway is open to readers anywhere in the world.
- Be a Farmgirl blog follower (click on “follow” tab to your right). It’s the ONLY way to contact you if you win!
- To enter, submit a comment below about why you want/need Lashem™ Measurable Difference Lash Gel! (You can submit [1] comment per day to increase your chances to win. You must enter at least [1] comment to qualify.)
- [3] winners are chosen at random.
- Lashem™ Measurable Difference Lash Gel is valued at $85 USD.
- Giveaway starts today and ends 7.20.2010 at 11.59pm PST.
- Winners contacted and announced by 7.22.2010
Good luck!
I want/need Lashem Measurable Difference Lash Gel because my lashes are sparse.
I need measureable lash difference because my eyelash curler is constantly pulling them out and leaving big gaps :(
Monique Erratchu
I need measureable lash difference because my eyelash curler is constantly pulling them out and leaving big gaps :(
Monique Erratchu
I NEED Lashem Measurable Lash Gel because I have short lashes that curl for about 5mins then fall again :(....
But I love your blog
I really want to try this because I'd love to have longer fuller lashes.
I would loveeee to try the LASHEM Measurable Lash Gel, genetically my lashes are and will always be thin and short. If this product were to work on my asian little lashes i would be forever greatful!!!! please please please i need/want this product!(:
I would love, love to win one! My lashes are short and sparse. =(
wow, this is amazing!
I need the Lashem Measurable Difference Lash Gel because I had my lashes permed recently and now they keep falling off! its a total disaster!
nice blog you have here, btw!
im your newest follower :)
I need Lashem so that I can look gorgeous.
I'd love to use this because I have short, stubby asian lashes!
I want/ need the lash gel bc my lashes r sparse.
i need lashem because my lashes have been abused by my super waterproof mascara :/
I've been curious about this product since it came out. I'd love to try it!
i need it because i can't see my lashes under a microscope!
I'd love to try out Lashem Measurable Lash Gel simply because I've never used a lash growth serum/gel before and would be interested to see if it works!
My lashes are okay but nothing strikingly long or lush.
I have never had long or thick lashes! I would LOVE to win this product!
what a great thing ! I'd love to try this out.
I need to win this...cause I can't afford to buy any lash treatment cause they're all so pricey! Please pick me!!!
- A hopeful, potential Lashem Winner! :)
i need Lashem to grow lashes that set hearts aflutter.
I want this becuase i have sparse lashes
I need it because it is always great to have stronger lashes :)
I want it!
I definitely hope i win this. :D
ENTER ME!! I would love to grow amazing lashes!! i hate have glue on my eye from wearing fake lashes all the time! Im following you! my email is
I have the most thin and stubby lashes ever. They lack volume, length--hell, they just need more lashes! My lashes are practically invisible unless viewed from 4 inches away. I hate wearing false eyelashes just to make it seem like my lashes are normal!
I really want to win.
I really want to win!!! I have very few lashes...I would love to win this Lashem product and see if it will finally make me grow fuller longer lashes! ^_^
I would really love to try this product and see if it really works at all!:)
I need this becuase i have sparse lashess
I want Lashem to get longer, fuller lashes. Who doesn't want that?
I would love to try this! It would be SO nice to not have to wear false lashes! I also need it for my brows (which are very sparse now due to an unfortunate waxing).
It'd be great to give my lashes a boost. Genetics gave me sparse lashes, so Lashem would do what genes could not!
le.paradis.found at gmail dot ocm
and yes, i'm a follower~
I want/need measurable Lashem Measurable Lash Gel for my lashes! :)
my lashes are so sparse and no mascara will do the miracle of covering the gaps
it's been a few days since my last comment, but i've still got stubby lashes. :(
I need the Lash Gel because my lashes are practically invisible. Mascara doesn't help much either.
I want Lashem because I have short, sparse lashes that have been unfortunately inherited from my parents ... booo :(
This sounds like the perfect product for me!!
I'm just starting to wear makeup more often [>.< its about time] and putting on mascara is a pain because my eyelashes are very short and straight. plus they are on the thin side so its very irritating to have clump fests. Many times i dont even bother using a curler or eyeliner because they are too short to curl nicely and from a distance there isnt much difference in wearing eyeliner or not
I want to win these because my current mascara sometimes has a strange way of uncurling my lashes :/ Annoying! Hopefully the Lashem serum (ah, a rhyme) will make it so I don't have to use mascara as much...
My lashes are pretty long, but they're very thin and sparse. I've tried using a couple of lash strengthening products but I still see a couple falling out every day. I need Lashem to help me get thicker and fuller lashes.
Hellooo, I'm super glad I found this website :) I would love Lashem Lash Gel because my cheap ardell one doesn't work that well and my lashes are so short and stubby :(
I'd love this product to create longer and healthier looking lashes!
i'd love lashem lash gel because i have very sparse, very short lashes. my eyelash curler also ripped a bunch out of one eye one time because it got stuck. i would love to not have to put fake eyelashes on, on every photo.
I'd love for my lashes to be thicker!
I need lashem for my sparse and short lenses! Thanks for hosting this giveaway :)
I need Lashem Measurable Lash Gel because genetics gave me horrible tiny eyelashes. I can barely curl my lashes and I always depend on falsies. Due to my sensitive eyes, (which I just found out after using falsies for 3 days striaght) I can't even depend on falsies now.
My only hope is this product? :D.
I want Lashem Measurable Difference Lash Gel because I want denser, thicker, and longer lashes. My eyelashes are short and they fall out easily.
I never got the handle of using fake eyelashes. I'de love to have beautiful thick lashes with this product!
I want this because my lashes are sparse.
I need the Lash Gel because my eyelashes are the typical straight, short asian eyelashes. I want them to be stronger and longer!
I need lashem because recently i've been losing a lot of eyelashes because i've been allergic to some of my products and it has really hurt my self esteem, i'm trying to find a way to help them grow :) thank you
I need lashem because recently i've been losing a lot of eyelashes because i've been allergic to some of my products and it has really hurt my self esteem, i'm trying to find a way to help them grow :) thank you
I want & need Lash Gel because my lashes while aren't short...are sparse. I would love to have volume for my lashes.
I would love to try this but with an $85 priceline, I can't afford it.
i want/need this because recently my eyelashes have been falling out :O before this, i had pretty long & full lashes [for an asian anyway :P], but now they`re all shedding! :(
thank you :]
My lashes are way too fragile and short :( Would absolutely love this!
I need Lashem Measurable Difference Lash Gel because I don't have any good mascara. My Maybelline mascara always smudges and I end up looking like a zombie, and I owned if for a year already. Also, my lashes come off easily because of poor mascara quality. I wish for long lasting, lengthy lashes *__*
I want/need this because I have very short, stubby. and sparse eyelashes. It would also help me use less mascara and avoid using falsies. Thank you for having this wonderful giveaway! :)
I need Lashem Lash Gel because my eyelashes doesn't even exist. You can barely see them and I really envy those with long lush lashes.
My lashes don't curl and are very thin. I would love to win this!
Last entry! I'll need Lashem because I need to go to a wedding in August. Lashem would help me look the part~
I wish to have visible lashes! Would love to see if this would work for me!
I want this becuase i have sparse lashes
I want this because my lashes are so short and thin that they're barely visible.
I hope to win this! :) It'd be great if I did~ LOL
I'm dying to try this (well, you get what I mean; not dying, but as close as you can get? haha) I have the typical sparse eyelashes that many asian girls are afflicted with, and dream of a fuller lash line; so when I saw you mentioning that it encourages growth of baby hairs I was instantly sold.
I've tried countless eyelash "tonics/accelerators/serums" in the past and they've had little to no effect while some have just irritated my eye area, so here's to hoping that Lashem will do the trick!
Hellooo, I'm super glad I found this website :) I would love Lashem Lash Gel because my cheap ardell one doesn't work that well and my lashes are so short and stubby :(
I want this lash gel because my eyelashes are short and thin. I would definitely want to try this product because although mascara helps, every time I remove makeup, it seems like lashes are bound to fall out/come off. I dont wanna lose anymore! :(
Contest is now closed. Thank you for participating!
congratulations to the winners! :)
I need measurable difference lash gel. Please! My lashes are really stubby. I can't even curl them. I used covergirl lashblast volume+length (purple tube)and I thought it would increse the length of my lashes. Unfortunely it didn't at all. I looked up on google products that make your lashes grow and one of the results was lashem. I really need this product.
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